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Denny 1881 census - by Surname Surname: KERR
WHERE BORN Head of Family Group Link to Page RECORD ID

KERR Agnes Sister In Law 17
Kilmarnock, Ayr, Scotland John JACKSON 1021
D 4826

KERR Andrew Head 37
Dunipace, Stirling, Scotland Andrew KERR 232
D 1070

KERR Andrew Son 15
Denny, Stirling, Scotland James KERR 166
D 765

KERR Ann Daur 16
Denny, Stirling, Scotland William KERR 277
D 1292

KERR Annie Daur 9
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Andrew KERR 232
D 1072

KERR Barbara Wife 40
Kirkintilloch, Dunbarton, Scotland William KERR 277
D 1289

KERR Catherine Daur 40
Bathgate, Linlithgow, Scotland Peter KERR 523
D 2430

KERR David R. M. Son 8 m
Denny, Stirling, Scotland David M A KEIR 757
D 3543

KERR Elizabeth Daur 5
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Andrew KERR 232
D 1073

KERR Elizabeth Daur 4
Denny, Stirling, Scotland John KERR 181
D 844

KERR Helen Wife 34
Denny, Stirling, Scotland James KERR 166
D 764

KERR Helen Daur 1
Denny, Stirling, Scotland James KERR 166
D 768

KERR Helen Wife 27
Greengairs, Lanark, Scotland John KERR 181
D 842

KERR James Son 27
Denny, Stirling, Scotland William KERR 550
D 2549

KERR James Son 13
Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland James KERR 227
D 1047

KERR James Head 30
Denny, Stirling, Scotland James KERR 166
D 763

KERR James Son 8
Denny, Stirling, Scotland James KERR 166
D 767

KERR James Son 5
Denny, Stirling, Scotland John KERR 181
D 843

KERR James Head 38
Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland James KERR 227
D 1045

KERR Jane Wife 37
Airdrie, Lanark, Scotland Andrew KERR 232
D 1071

KERR Jane Head 77
Dumbarton, Dunbarton, Scotland Jane KERR 992
D 4675

KERR Janet Wife 47
Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland James KERR 227
D 1046

KERR Jean Daur 6
Denny, Stirling, Scotland William KERR 277
D 1294

24 January 2003 Denny - 1881 Census Page 348 of 760

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