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Denny 1881 census - by Surname Surname: SIMPSON
WHERE BORN Head of Family Group Link to Page RECORD ID

SIMPSON Agness Head 28
Plean, Stirling, Scotland Agness SIMPSON 74
D 332

SIMPSON Agness Daur 6
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Agness SIMPSON 74
D 336

SIMPSON Alexander Head 39
St Andrews, Fife, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1643

SIMPSON Alexander Son 5
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1650

SIMPSON Alexr. Son 3
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Agness SIMPSON 74
D 337

SIMPSON Christina Daur 3 d
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1652

SIMPSON David Son 12
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1647

SIMPSON Elizabeth Daur 10
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1648

SIMPSON James Head 32
Oakley, Fife, Scotland James SIMPSON 274
D 1271

SIMPSON James Son 10
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Agness SIMPSON 74
D 334

SIMPSON Janet Daur 3
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1651

SIMPSON Jemima Wife 25
Fossaway, Kinross, Scotland William SIMPSON 309
D 1436

SIMPSON John Son 2
Denny, Stirling, Scotland William SIMPSON 309
D 1437

SIMPSON Margaret Wife 30
Denny, Stirling, Scotland James SIMPSON 274
D 1272

SIMPSON Margaret Daur 16
Carnock, Fife, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1646

SIMPSON Mary Daur 8
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1649

SIMPSON Mary Ann Wife 38
Clackmanan, Clackmannan, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1644

SIMPSON Robert Son 18
Carnock, Fife, Scotland Alexander SIMPSON 359
D 1645

SIMPSON Robert Son 10
Denny, Stirling, Scotland James SIMPSON 274
D 1273

SIMPSON Robt. Son 11
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Agness SIMPSON 74
D 333

SIMPSON William Head 26
Orwell, Kinross, Scotland William SIMPSON 309
D 1435

SIMPSON William Son 8
Denny, Stirling, Scotland Agness SIMPSON 74
D 335

24 January 2003 Denny - 1881 Census Page 662 of 760

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