The population of this parish in 1831 was 1278; since that time, from accommodation having been built for nearly fifty additional families, the number has increased to 1460,*of which .above 1000†, belong to the Established Church; the remainder, exclusive of those that attend no church, belong to the Dissenters, who have two places of worship, in the neighbouring parish of Denny. It is worthy of notice, that the adherents of the Establishment have increased greatly here since the agitation of what is called the Voluntary Question, which has been conducted in this quarter with unexampled virulence.

It is a curious fact, that there is neither a medical man nor a clergyman, a smith‡ nor a wright, nor even a resident beggar in this parish; and it is but of late, that there was either a baker or a tailor in it. The oldest resident families are the Muirheads of Tyggetshaugh and the Watsons of Wester Barnego.

* By the census of 1841, the population, amounts to 1578, whereof 1100 belong to the established Church.

† From the continually shifting, and anomalous nature of a calico printing population, no accurate statistical account of them can be given.

‡ Since the above was written, a smith has commenced business here, and is doing well.