For the reasons assigned in the historical department, the population of the town is supposed to have been considerable from the time of the accession of the Stewarts to the throne; approaching, probably, to about one-half of what it is at present. Nothing, however, can be said with certainty as to its amount, at any date prior to 1755; when, according to the return made to Dr Webster, the population of the parish was 3951. In 1792, by an accurate survey, it was found to he 4698. By the Government census in 1801, it was 5256; by that in 1811, nearly 6000; in 1821, 7833; in 1831, excluding a few places, which on this occasion, and perhaps in the former cases, were included, but which really belong to the parish of Logie, 8499, of which 3876 were males, and 4623 females; and by that of the present year 1841, 8914.* The population of the town and castle of Stirling is 8581. In that portion of the town which is in the parish of St Ninian's there are 270 persons; in the villages of Raploch and Abbey, 549; in the rural portion of the parish, 104. The probable causes of the increase, which has taken place progressively since about the middle of last century, have been already traced to their source in the peaceful settlement of the country. The agriculture of the fertile district, of which Stirling is the centre, has been improved. An impulse has been given to trade and manufactures. The passage of travellers through the town has immensely increased with the increasing inducements presented, and facilities given, to intercourse between different parts of the kingdom; and, in partictilar by the opening up of the High lands to tourists and other visitors. And in proportion as the attractions of Stirling itself have been increased, a greater number of strangers have been led to settle in it.

In this are included the resident station and garrison in the castle, amounting to 268 persons; and the prisoners in the jail, to 54

There are no resident nobility in the parish; and the number of individuals, or families, of independent fortune residing in it, it is impracticable to ascertain. The number of landowners of L. 50 annual value and upwards, is 10. The average number of persons in a family is nearly 4½. The people are not remarkable for strength, size, complexion, or any other personal qualities. The number of insane persons is 8; fatuous, 6; blind, 4; deaf and dumb, 4. The people are not peculiar in respect of language, customs, domestic habits, or comforts. In all these respects, they partake of the character of that part of the lowlands of Scotland which borders on the Highlands; from which, immigrations are frequently taking place of individuals and families, who for a time retain their peculiarities, until they gradually assume the general character of the population.

Pawnbroking is carried on to a great extent; and, instead of proving any effectual relief to the poor, aggravates the evil, from which they resort to it for aid. The same class of persons, who avail themselves of this delusive remedy, are in too many instances already demoralized by the use of ardent spirits; and it rapidly accelerates their downward progress.