The number of persons in this parish who are at one time upon the
poor's roll, may be estimated at an average at somewhere more that 150. They are supplied
with small sums of money, according to their circumstances, from 1s to 5s or 6s a month.
The money which is thus expended on the indigent of this parish arises from funds
belonging to the poor, from offerings at the church gates on days of divive service, from
other voluntary contributions and from an assessment which the landowners annually lay
upon themselves of L.l Sterling for every L.100 Scotch of valued rent in the parish. As
many persons, from the nature of their property, are little or in no degree exposed to the
assessment, there is an annual voluntary, and liberal subscription in the town of Falkirk,
and in the villages of the parish.
There is also in the town of Falkirk an hospital for the support of four aged and infirm persons. It was founded and endowed in 1640 by Lord Livingston of Almond and Callendar. This deed was simplified and confirmed by him in the year 1668, after he was created Earl of Callendar. Upon certain parts of the estates which then belonged to his Lordship, there is security given for the fulfilment of the obligation. Moreover, if his Lordship or any of the successors to his estates, should neglect or refuse to fill up any vacancy in this hospital, it is provided by the foresaid act, that if this neglect or refusal be persised in after notice shall have been given in due form to the person or persons then possessing the Callendar estates, then the minister of Falkirk for the time being is authorised to present a proper objkect of this charity to fill any vacancy which shall be in the circumstances now described. Mr Richard Callander, then minister of Falkirk, and his successors in that office, were, in the above specified deed, made, constituted and appointed patrons of this hospital, and were lawfully authorised to nominate and admit proper poor persons to the benefit thereof in all cases where the said Earl or his successors should refuse or illegally delay to do their duty.
There are several societies in this town and neighbourhood for the support of the members thereot when they are seized by sickness, infirmity or old age; but it is much to be lamented, that institufions of this kind are not more common and extensive. When the labourer is in health, he finds sufficient demands for his money, and too seldom thinks of making a little retrenchment in his expences, in order that he may prepare for the evil day. The Legislature have turned their attention to those useful and important societies, but much still remains to be done, in order to ensure their extension and success.