Census 1881



Address:Broomknowe CottageCensusPlace:Campsie, Stirling, ScotlandGRO Reference:202537
Dwelling:1290Volume:475District / Page:11 / 8
Forenames Surname Relation Status Gender Age Occupation Where Born Record Id
JamesMORRISONHeadMM73Minister Of Alness ParishCroy, Inverness, Scotland5476
MargueriteMORRISONWifeMF68Ministers WifeCallander, Perth, Scotland5477
Julia C. MORRISONDaurUF22Ministers DaurAlness, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland5478
Jane I. BLAKEVisitorMF33Farmers WifeAlness, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland5479
John J. BLAKEGrandson M2 Golspie, Sunderland, Durham, England5480
Walter S. BLAKEGrandson M10 m Golspie, Sunderland, Durham, England5481