Census 1881



Address:Stirling Distric Asylum for the InsaneCensusPlace:Larbert, Stirling, ScotlandGRO Reference: 0203543
Dwelling:1237Volume:485District / Page:Dist 7A / Page 3
Forenames Surname Relation Status Gender Age Occupation Where Born Record Id
Charles JOHNSTONEHead Of Family MM61Tailor AttendantMontrose, Forfar, Scotland6023
Jane JOHNSTONEWifeMF59 Montrose, Forfar, Scotland6024
John JOHNSTONESonUM30Student In DivinityMontrose, Forfar, Scotland6025
Catherine PETRIESister In LawWF57 Montrose, Forfar, Scotland6026
Margaret JOHNSTONEGrand DaurUF6ScholarGlasgow, Renfrew, Scotland6027