UK Royal Naval Service
- Source Citation: "UK Royal Naval Service," (Name: National Archives ; ).
- ID: S130
- Source Index: 61
Page: William Holmes Hossack 1920 ADM-240-52-179
- RANK AND SENIORITY Retired List.....24 August 1918 Commander ........ 30th June 1917. Lieut. Commander .. 25th January 1912. Lieutenant............ 25th January 1904 Sub-Lieutenant ... 9th February 1900 Date of Birth: 24th August 1871 Drills performed. 24 weeks to 1911 Annual and Bi-ennial Training... 2 weeks to 1913 Date of last Test cert. .... 16th February 1913 PARTICULARS OF COURSES 2nd class Gunnery Certificate 1902 - failed for Torpedo Certificate. 12 months traing completed 31/12/03. " A very willing officer, but requires more experience and instruction". 2nd Class Requalifying Gunnery Certificate 1908. Master's Certificate 1897 PARTICULARS OF SEA SERVICE Master in Cunard Service since September 1911. Now in command of Saxonia, 14,271 tons. TRAINING Ship: Implaccable, French Good Sea Srvice
Personal Names
Events & Attributes
Person | Claim | Date | Detail | Age |
William Holmes Hossack | Birth | Aug 24, 1871 | Liverpool, Lancashire, England [12] [16] [19] [28] [47] [47] [47] [47] [50] [59] [61] [62] [63] [63] [64] | |
William Holmes Hossack | Occupation | Feb 9, 1900 | Sub-Lieutenant in Royal Naval Service, At sea [61] | |
William Holmes Hossack | Occupation | 1911 | Master of the Cunard ship "Saxonia", At sea [61] |